Tuesday 22 May 2012

Planning For Life Without Windows XP

Microsoft will be ending the live of its most popular operating system, Windows XP, on the 8th April 2014 and do you know how this will affect your business? Do you know whether the applications you use on a daily basis are compatible with more recent versions of the Windows operating system?

Why is this happening?
Windows XP is now over a decade old and despite it being one of the most widely used operating systems, it is using obsolete technology in comparison to today’s operating systems and it is also starting to lack support from software and hardware vendors who are looking to the future.

What will change?
On the 8th April 2014 Microsoft will stop producing security patches and hotfixes for Windows XP. This leaves the operating system vulnerable to security threats and exploits, which can pose a huge risk on your business.

How to prepare your business:
It is essential that you ensure the applications your businesses utilises to continue running smoothly are compatible with the operating system you intend to move to. Some applications which were developed may not be compatible with Windows 7 or potentially newer versions of Microsoft Office.
The first stage would be to check with us to ensure all of your business applications and hardware are compatible with newer versions of the Windows operating system so your business can continue running smoothly.
You can do this by contacting A.J.R Computing. From here we can move onto finding the best possible solution to meeting your requirements and ensuring your business is protecting now and in the future from malicious attacks.

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