Monday 21 May 2012

Virus Removal Service In Rotherham

A.J.R Computing & Rotherham Laptop Repair can remove and clean all viruses, spyware, adware, scareware, fake anti-virus and vista anti-virus nasties from your computer or laptop. Virus removal is one of A.J.R Computing's specialty services they have to offer along with other types of laptop repairs, console repairs and computer repairs.
IF YOU are suffering from any possible Virus symptoms, why not get in contact with us, and see how we can asses your problem and have the viruses removed from your pc or laptop.
Important >> When we carry out the virus removal on your pc or laptop all of your current information such as any music, pictures, documents, favourites, and sensitive data is preserved so you will NEVER lose any important data! We understand that these are important files and would never remove anything without any prior consent from yourself.
Further Information…
There are many types of “Viruses” out there, but there isn’t one out there that we haven’t been able to remove from a customers pc or laptop, nothing can beat A.J.R Computing & Rotherham Laptop Repair! There are a few common ones which like to trick you into thinking they are your anti-virus program and basically state that the system is heavily infected and would like you to pay £100 (pounds) to have them removed, these are the viruses (A.K.A: Scareware), when infact you may not be infected with anything other than just one virus, and in fact they are just trying to scare you into paying for their fake anti-virus program that will leave you out of pocket and still needing the virus removed from your laptop or computer.

Visit – A.J.R Computing

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