Tuesday 1 May 2012

Keep Track of Your Download and Upload Speeds on The Windows Taskbar

Keep Track of Your Download and Upload Speeds on The Windows Taskbar

Net Speed Monitor
Sometimes, you feel comfortable if you can see how much bandwidth your system is using. Sometimes, you experience sudden slowdowns when browsing the net or downloading something. But you are not sure whether its your fault or the ISP’s fault. Sometimes, Viruses keep downloading more virus codes in the background… Because of these reasons, I need to keep an eye on the net speed!
The Net Speed Monitor is a very light weight tool which will sit on your Windows taskbar. This tool will show the download and the upload speed in the real-time. So, if its going too high while you are not doing anything, then something is wrong… It can be a virus or it can be your antivirus or another app like Chrome which is trying to update themselves! If you want to dive deeper and find whats taking all the bandwidth, right-click on the app and select “connections” and you’ll be able to analyze the situation…

That’s not all… There are more features in this tiny app which you can use to keep track of whats going on in your network. So, want to try it out?
§  First, download and install the app from here : http://www.floriangilles.com/software/netspeedmonitor
§  If you can’t see it in the taskbar, simply right-click on the taskbar, go to “Toolbars” and 
§   select NetSpeedMonitor

Add the Toolbar

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