Tuesday 3 July 2012

Microsoft Outlook Tips That You Need To Know

Many of our clients use Outlook and most of the tips below are things to review when you are having problems. Not every tip pertains to everyone, but overall these are great tips for Outlook users.

TIP: Outlook by default opens a PST File (Personal Storage) in a hidden file on your computer. That is where most of your email and folders probably are.  Not everyone knows this and it’s very important that you back up that PST file often. If your computer crashes, the PST is just as important as your pictures and music!
TIP: if your Outlook is getting slow to open, you may want to see how large your PST file is. Some versions of Outlook will lock you out if it gets too large. If you have a newer copy of Outlook, you have a lot more room. But keep this in mind, the larger your PST file, the longer it will take to open. I won’t get into technical talk about this, but if your Outlook is slow to open, you can move off old emails to another PST and get your Outlook in good shape again.
TIP: Using multiple computers....sick of dealing with mail everywhere? use a IMAP instead of (Pop3) that synchronizes all email and folders.
TIP: Set up rules and make your life easier!. If I happen to get a ton of email from one person, I give them a folder and a rule. When I get an email from that person, it goes right to the folder I need. Outlook marks it unread, so you know there is new email there.
TIP: Looking for a calendar sync tool? I have been using the Google calendar with my Outlook for a couple of months and have to admit,  i am liking this calendar option. You have to invite yourself to the event, and then it syncs to your Outlook calendar. I have trialed this method by having my assistant do bookings on the Google calendar and I get the invites on my Blackberry and every computer I have Outlook on. I really dig this!
TIP: Be sure to check your junk e-mail folders! So many of us forget to check that folder, and I have found many important emails sneaking in there! Why is that? Because of the subject line. The person sent it with a title that was caught by spam/junk filters. I think checking that daily is important, you can mark what is not spam/junk to make sure that those emails come to your regular inbox.

Problems Sending & Receiving Emails In Microsoft Outlook..?

If you are experiencing problems sending and receiving emails in outlook be sure to have all your outlook set-up details handy such as the Incoming server (POP) and  Outgoing server (SMTP) you can get these details from who ever manages your email account, once you have these details you can now check and re-input the details - 

 Setting Up Your POP or IMAP Email Address in Microsoft Outlook

Feel free to contact us and we will be happy to send through some outlook guides for you to follow if you have an alternate email address you would like A.J.R to send them to, or you can view them via web-mail. with free email accounts like Hotmail, Gmail, Yahoo, BT, AOL, Mail.com, ViginMedia, Sky,
 Hope This Helps 

Andrew Marriott (Owner & Founder)

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