Friday 22 June 2012

Microsoft Phone Scam..!

One of the latest popular phone scams is the one where you are being told by Microsoft technical support that they discovered you have errors on your laptop but they leave you with a hefty bill! but guess what? you don’t have an actual error problem, even worst they’re not Microsoft at all. 
The scam started in US by a company that operates from India, it calls random people and pretends to be Microsoft then asks them to do some registry scan where you’re shown a list of reported errors then you’re told to pay a large amount of money to fix those errors. Do not fall for this scam because Microsoft never calls any person whatever the circumstances, you must hang the phone when you receive a call like this and report it to the police if they keep calling you. Do not give your credit or debit card details to them or even your real name.
These people make you go on your registry to find registry errors, this is stupid because all windows operating systems have 100s of registry errors every minute, this is standard and normal and is being dealt with in the background by windows but they use this trick to make you fall for their scam.
They will not give’up they can stay with you for hours and hours till they get your credit card details, they’ll ask you to let them log in remotely to your computer to run virus scans which are basic commands you can do yourself and you don’t need to pay them £150 for it.
 "So If You Receive A Call From Microsoft Technical Support ...Just Hang Up The Phone..!"

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