Thursday, 29 March 2012

How To Reset A Wireless Router..!

How To Reset A Wireless Router

Let’s say that you need to access your router to make some changes like change the SSID (Wireless Name) or you want to setup port forwarding, you will need to know the router’s log-in credentials to access the control panel. Unless you were the person who initially setup the router, you most likely don’t have this information. It is good practice as a computer and networking technician to always provide this setup information to your clients. Also, if you as the client decided to setup your router yourself, it is good to write down this information and keep it safe. 

Information to jot down:
  • Router IP Address = 192.168.?.?
  • User name = admin
  • Password = password
  • Wireless SSID = MyWirelessNetwork
  • Wireless Key = password
Sometimes we forget to write this information down and the router stays configured and running for months or even years without needing access to the administrator control panel. However, in the event that you need to access the admin control panel and you don’t have the log-in credentials, you have only 2 options at this point.

Your 2 options to get access to the router are:
  1. Guess the user name and password.
  2. Reset the wireless router.
Before we reset the wireless router and lose any information, we can try a few router default user names and passwords. Depending on the manufacture of your router they may have a specific master user name and password. The best way to check for this is to simply do a Google search for: (Your Router Make/Model  default password) like : Linksys WRT54G1 default password. This should help you find the default user name and password. If you are unsuccessful I have a couple options below you can try to gain access.

User name – admin
Password – password
User name – administrator
Password – password

You can also try the following link:
Try some different variations of using admin, administrator, password, and blank username or password. At this point, if you have exhausted all efforts of finding the default username and password on the internet, and you’ve tried different variations of the examples above, then your last resort is to reset and re-configure the router.

Note: All information like wireless information, port forwarding, and IP reservation will be LOST. Please make sure you’re OK with this before proceeding.

OK, so we have decided to reset the router. You will need a paperclip or something with a fine needle-like edge. Leaving the router plugged in and turned on, find a reset button usually on the back or bottom of the router. It is usually the only small little button on the device label RESET. You will need to press and hold this button for 30 seconds to reset the wireless router. Sometimes different makes and models of routers are picky, I’ve had to press and hold the reset button for sometimes over a minute. If this still doesn’t work, unplug the router from the power source and press and hold the reset button for 1 minute. This will reset the router.

Now that the router is reset you will need to re-configure the router. To access the router you will need to know the router’s default IP address.

Most common default router IP addresses: (At&t)

Before we continue, make sure the power is on to the router and its is connected correctly. You will need to hard-wire an Ethernet cable from your computer to port 1 – 4 of the router. DO NOT plug in to the Internet port. Plug an Ethernet cable from your computer to port 1, 2, 3, or 4 of the router. On your computer open your Internet browser i.e. (Internet Explore, FireFox, Chrome)

 Go to the address bar up top and type the following:

or if that doesn’t work,

You will be prompted to login to the administrators control panel of the router. Here is where you will attempt the default user name and password. Remember the default user name and password for most routers is admin as the user name and password as the password. Try different variations of this. Also, try not using a password and just typing admin. One of these options will gain you access. Once you have access, you will need to reconfigure your router’s settings. Make sure you write them down this time to avoid a reset in the future.

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